The Math of Saint Felix
This book-length lyric is an attempt to do the math of a woman, of a family, of a country, of a diaspora. The sum of one life reveals the permutations of many: daughters, sisters, lovers. The cost of one death is uncountable. Diane Exavier’s voice has the heart-stilling gravity of a weary prophet. With The Math of Saint Felix, she has continued the work of generations. This book is ledger and legacy. Available now at
Praise for The Math of Saint Felix
“Lyrical, breathless, incisive…a rising star in the next generation of Black poetics, showing us the ways Black femmehood carries and rebuilds language—and the world.”
—Legacy Russell, Glitch Feminism
“…a meticulously crafted world where equations are embedded in African diasporic crossings, the abyss of grief, and the coupling and decoupling of human relations…a work to be read slowly, tenderly, so that each of its pleasures into the mysteries of connections and crumblings can be fully absorbed. And then—it should be set on bodies willing to chant integers and fractions, leap in geometric flourishes, and multiply and divide with the vibration of live audience/witnesses.“
—Omi Osun Joni L. Jones, Experiments in a Jazz Aesthetic